Since it began in 2010 the Protect Wooli campaign has needed donations to fund important research into the natural forces which shape our beach.
This research included the Expert Report about the Beach in 2011, the computerised camera system on the water-tower and the quarterly surveys measuring changes in the beach. Donations paid for the professional time and equipment needed for this research. Donations have also been used to pay administrative costs for projectors, microphones, flip-charts and registration fees for CCPA.
Many members and supporters of CCPA have given generously to the campaign in terms of their money and/or their time. However, there is a small but growing group of donors who have, and continue to be, outstandingly generous. The CCPA Steering Committee has therefore decided to thank these major donors by recognising them in this “Hall of Fame” list. For more information about a donor just click on their link below.
The first entrants into our Hall of Fame are Mike and Gayle Koolen and their company, Essential Brands.
Watch this space for new entrants
The campaign to protect Wooli beach is very likely to be long and complex. Predicting the amount and purpose of donations which will be needed is not possible at this stage but we need to be prepared. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation, suggest a money making idea (like the Koolens), make the campaign a beneficiary in your will, or whatever else, please contact Bruce Bird or Pete Dunn.
Have your say!