We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss last week’s article in the Daily Examiner about the new Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) for Wooli
It begins “Clarence Valley Council’s back-flip on its original plan to deal with rising sea levels at Wooli has won a 6 out of 10 score from residents”.
As Meatloaf sang (well almost), 6 out of 10 ain’t bad. It’s a big improvement on the zero the community gave the 2010 Plan.
Here’s the complete DEX article.
The Wooli community showed how seriously it takes this CZMP, and how closely it will be watching its progress. A deluge of 72 submissions containing about 300 pages was received by Council.This submission illustrates many of the points raised by the community.
A summary of our submissions will accompany the CZMP to a full meeting of Council on June 23 before the final version goes to the NSW Environment Minister by June 30.
Have your say!