The Coastal Communities Protection Alliance-Wooli Inc. (CCPA) was formed to protect Wooli from the bureaucratic threat of the planned retreat proposal released by Clarence Valley Council and from the real threat of increasing coastal erosion.
In December 2010, CCPA became an incorporated association in order to exert more influence on government, distribute notices and news to supporters of the campaign and to raise funds for our running costs from a small annual membership fee of $5.00
To apply for or to renew your membership….
1. Print a copy of the Membership application and renewal form for each member.
- To join enter your name, address and email address, tick “Become a Member”, tick either 1-year or 5-years, then sign and date the form. You may get a proposer/seconder to complete your form if you wish or leave that section blank and we will take care of it for you.
- To renew your membership fill in your name, any details that have changed, tick the box marked “Renew my membership”, tick either 1-year or 5-years, then sign and date the form
2. Then either
- mail or hand it/them to Bruce Bird, Wooli PO, Wooli NSW 2462, with cash or cheque (to CCPA-Wooli) for $5 (1-year) or $25 (5 years) per person OR
- scan the completed form(s) and email to Then complete an on line bank transfer to CCPA’s account BSB 633-000, Account 141801449. Please put your name on the transfer.
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