The Clarence Valley Council’s Draft Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP)was developed and released for exhibition and comment in September 2010.
This Plan is based on the Wooli Village Coastline Management Strategy Update and Options Review report and the Wooli Beach/ Village Review of Coastal Hazards, completed by WorleyParsons in 2010. It should be read in conjunction with the Coastline Management Strategy Update and Options Review.
The preferred options presented in this report were identified in consultation with the Clarence ValleyCoast and Estuary Management Committee. The Draft Plan will be revised, as necessary, following public exhibition and review of submissions received.
In summary, the CZMP proposes planned retreat to be implemented through environmental planning and development controls, and potential relocation of existing private and public assets at risk to address the immediate and medium term coastline hazards affectingWooli.
A key component of the relocation scheme is investigating the potential for a land swap mechanism utilising Crown land in Wooli. It is acknowledged that there are no viable long term coastline management options for the original Wooli Village, as it is predicated that the shoreline will have essentially receded to the eastern bank of the Wooli Wooli River by 2100.
This report also includes an Emergency Action Plan (Appendix 2 of the CZMP above) in the event that a severe storm occurs before implementation of the Coastline Management Plan.
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