Calling all Entries for the Wild About Wooli ArtShow 2023!
The Wooli Artists Gathering (WAG) has reconvened to make preparations for the Wild About Wooli ArtShow for 2023. We saw the exhibition growing in size and popularity in 2022 with a record number of entries and artists and now seek to invite all to enter the 2023 exhibition.
Opening Night is Friday 7th April 2023 at 6.30pm at the Wooli Community Hall. The exhibition continues over the Easter weekend opening on Saturday, Sunday and in 2023 will extend to include Monday 10th April, from 10.00am to 3.00pm.
We have once again booked the Wooli Community Hall, located adjacent the Tennis Courts, and opposite the Wooli Bowls Club.

It is a great space centrally located in the village.
The theme of the Wild About Wooli ArtShow in 2023 is “WHAT ARE YOU WILD ABOUT”.
Entrance Categories, Conditions and Prizes are listed in Attachment A – Artist Agreement & Attachment B – Entry Form.
WAG formed in November 2010 by a group of local artists and those who have an interest in art. The beauty and unique location of Wooli and its surrounding area has attracted many artists and stimulated people to develop their artistic talents. Before this time the growing collection of artistswere seeking opportunity to gather, discuss, collaborate and support artistic endeavours. The ArtShow now provides a platform to exhibit their artwork and connect with the wider art community and the general public.
For those interested in joining our group please get in touch. This is a great opportunity to be part of a local event welcoming regulars and visitors to Wooli alike.

Prompted by WAG members and the Protect Wooli campaign, the Wild About Wooli ArtShow is seen to be a positive way to bring attention to the talents of our local artists. Proceeds from sales at the event financially support individual artists activities, whilst also providing a donation of 20% of sale proceeds to the activities of Coastal Communities Protect Alliance – Wooli, (CCPA). Primarily these funds go towards the protection of our coastal dune system. For more information regarding CCPA visit
Whether you are one of our previous exhibiting artists, or aspire to enter for the first time, are a collector

of art, or a member of our community interested in organizing the event from behind the scenes, there is a place for you to be involved. Professional and amateur artists alike are welcome to exhibit. The Wooli School children also display their work. The Youth Category offers incentive for our emerging artists.
There are various prizes to be awarded including Best of Show; Highly Commended for each 6 categories, Painting; Drawing/Print Making; Sculpture/Ceramics; Textile Art; Photography; and Mixed Media, the Youth Category Award, and School Children’s Prize category. The People’s Choice Award is decided by popular vote and is announced at the close of the show.
Further information regarding conditions of entry, categories, dates for delivery & collection of artworks, and exhibition dates are found in the Information Sheet and 2023 Attachment A AND Attachment B – Entry Form.
Artist or not, come along, enjoy the Opening Night social gathering with a drink and BBQ and admire the works of our talented coastal community. Tickets available at the door, opening from 6.30pm Friday 7th April 2023. For more information refer to the Invitation to the Public .
Click here to see the 2022 Award Winners
For further enquiries:
On Facebook at wild about wooli art show or email: